Thursday, 4th December, 2008 (infected for about a year and a half)

Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide, St John's Wort Oil, Dynamiclear, Biogetica, and Ice Therapy.

Cold was gone within 30 hours (significant, because I am an asthmatic, and almost always have colds that last for at least 2 weeks, followed by bronchitis), it reduced my period induced "outbreak" to a tiny pin-sized blister that was gone in 2 days. My back, leg, and joint pains were diminished...

No outbreaks (no tingling, pains, stiffness, itching... nothing). No asthma attacks. No allergies. No joint, leg or back pains. No cold, flu, or infection of any sort. General health is totally improved.

This will vary depending on whether or not you up your drops daily or weekly. I upped my drops daily (backing down whenever I needed time for my body to adjust), and I was able to work my way to 15 drops in less than a month. I have about 2.5 more weeks of 15 drop therapy left before it is completed. So for me, the entire duration will be 1.5 months.

CURRENT NEWS (as of 2nd February, 2010)
OB free
Have begun a new cycle of MMS on actual herpes protocol to eradicate the virus permanently.

Monday, 9th February 2009

HSV1: >5
HSV2: 4.81

Friday, February 27, 2009

Meeting TrueCures - 22nd February, 2009

After finding out last week that TrueCures would be in San Francisco for the weekend, I decided to meet him spur of the moment. I was grateful that everyone who'd arranged for his visit were so gracious and had no issues with me taking up a bit of his time. I posted my experience on my HUB (MMS Lair), but I'd like to get into it a bit more here, as it seems many of you are extremely curious and the questions keep coming... quite understandably.

I want to start by saying I completely agree with TrueCure's philosophy on health and cures. As adults, we need to take some responsibility for educating ourselves and getting our health back, as we are dealing with a corrupt system. While many will find his methods a bit kookie, I happen to have friends who practice alternative therapies, so I was not phased.

His method consists of communicating with the body through the muscles, which is why it is a good idea to get toned. Using his own technique, he can pin-point problems, help the body to get started on healing itself, and tell you what you need to do to assist in the process. The therapy was not what I thought it would be, it was better, but explaining the specifics of what he does is near impossible, as I barely understand it myself, lol.

What I can tell you is that I certainly do feel very good, and I am excited that this is the first time I have gotten a period that was not accompanied by cramps. If that was TrueCure's doing, then it's certainly worthy of a gold star! I will know more about the results of my therapy with him in the coming weeks. There were several ailments that had already been cured using MMS, which made this process easier. For an autoimmune disorder, I was told to stay away from sugar and carbs for 7 days. My diet now consists of meats, fish, dairy, veggies, and nuts. I know my body loves this diet because anytime I've done this in the past, my metabolism seems to go into "turbo", so I will probably continue this diet a bit longer, only incorporating fruits and occasional grains in the morning after the 7 days are up, in an effort to get more toned.

Importantly, I was asked by TrueCures to discontinue taking MMS for about 7-10 days to give his therapy time to work. This was not an issue for me, and I've experienced no problems so far... if anything, I feel pretty good actually. If the therapy does not work, then I will go back to working my way to 15 drops 3x daily for at least 3-4 weeks using MMS, however, it is too soon to tell now and I would prefer to keep a positive attitude. I will report more as the days progress, and trust me, I'm as excited as you are!


  1. Hey there,
    I have a personal question.
    I began using MMS about 5 days ago. I am mainly trying to target asthma that I developed late last year as a result of a low immune system, bronchial, and sinus infections. This was crazy to me as I've always been insanely healthy, but I guess it found a way to sneak in and hang around. I had been at my ends looking into alternative therapies before I came across MMS. I have daily asthmatic symptoms at this point, whether it's wheezing in the morning upon waking or workout-induced, and I'm lucky and can live a normally reasonable life and don't really use "medication" aside from a decongestant. I haven't had a life threatening attack in a while. Since I believe my asthma is a result of low immune function and lingering infections, I have high hopes in the MMS to do something about it. I also realize I have to be patient. =] Day 5, up to 9 drops this morning, I just had my first bout of overwhelming nausea which has been goin on for the last hour and a half or so. Will look to back off on tonight's dose. Glad I didn't have to work today. =]

    Anyway, my actual question is this. I don't know what kind of asthma symptoms you had before the MMS but in what way did you see an improvement in your case? I realize it wasn't your main objective in using MMS either. Anyway, just curious. I've heard it doing wonders on bronchial issues, and, as is my story these days, I'm a little anxious to get back to running, hiking, etc. =]


    Much love to you!

  2. Hiya,

    Actually, I was born with asthma, so it was definitely one of the reasons I wanted to get started on MMS, herpes being the main reason. To answer your question, I haven't needed my inhaler since beginning my therapy... that's how well it works :).

    In the past I generally needed my inhaler at least a couple of times a week. When I was younger I needed it daily, and was hospitalized a few times. So even though my health improved as I got older, the astma never went away until MMS.

    I wish you all the best in your therapy and you have my support all the way! Please feel free to let me know if there's anything else you need to know.

    Pnj28 :)
